Mod-Specific Options

You can now make players configure your mods via the options key in the meta block! Like so:


Pressing TAUNT on the mod menu while hovering an active mod will bring up the options related to that mod!

Look ma, options!

Options have a default value of zero, though these can be changed via the options block:


enable_something will now be "ON" by default.

You can access these via referencing the option name in your scripts.

if enable_something

If the option enable_something is on, it'll call yeah() here, and if it's off, it will run nah() instead.

Do note that this is NOT a global constant yet, and therefore is specified in the custom controller itself, so to access it within a with block be sure to prefix it with other.

with (obj_player)
    // This will error!
    if enable_something { }
    // This won't 
    if other.enable_something { }